Syphilis is Back From the Dark Ages
In New Zealand, an STD best remembered from The Dark Ages was making a comeback. Syphilis was on the rise.
To combat this, FCB partnered with the New Zealand AIDS Foundation and Durex for a public awareness campaign. The creative idea married historical fashion and language with modern bar settings, and messages that dating app users would find very familiar. The design of the campaign incorporated elegant typography evoking this historical feeling, but laid out in a very contemporary manner, large, and dancing around the subject of each poster.
The campaign included press and outdoor ads, condom wallets, digital banners and Grindr interstitial ads.
Project completed with Melina Fiolitakis and David Shirley at FCB New Zealand
Best Ads – Print Ad of the Week | Best Ads – Interactive Ad of the Week | Lürzer’s Archive – Print Ad of the Week | Axis Awards – 11x Bronze | Best Awards – Gold, Silver